While enjoying our malts on Saturday my Skunk asked to try mine, and he did (it was amazing after all). He then asked me if I wanted to try his, and at the moment I did not, I was content with enjoying the full flavor of mine...for awhile.
Later, I let him know I was ready to taste his. As he held his spoon filled with rich creamy cookies & cream out for me to taste, I was seized with fear and blurted out my concern, 'please don't put it down my shirt'.
This anxiously stated boundary sent my skunk laughing with near hysterics. In between burbled of laughter he assured me that he was not my brother, and did not plan to put his spoon anywhere near my shirt opening. All his laughing got me laughing too about how absurd that fear really was. Where that particular fear came from, I'm not sure.
This is skunk soon after that conversation, still quite amused.
You know in life there are always going to be things that we can be afraid of. Often these things bubble up from internal feelings that feel similar to ones we had at a more fearful moment in our lives. When these come up, it is important to acknowledge them and determine if our current fearful feelings makes sense in the current situation, or if we can toss them aside. On a grander scale, I guess I would choose ice cream down my shirt over a lot of other fears, but don't get any ideas.
Later, I let him know I was ready to taste his. As he held his spoon filled with rich creamy cookies & cream out for me to taste, I was seized with fear and blurted out my concern, 'please don't put it down my shirt'.
This anxiously stated boundary sent my skunk laughing with near hysterics. In between burbled of laughter he assured me that he was not my brother, and did not plan to put his spoon anywhere near my shirt opening. All his laughing got me laughing too about how absurd that fear really was. Where that particular fear came from, I'm not sure.
This is skunk soon after that conversation, still quite amused.
You know in life there are always going to be things that we can be afraid of. Often these things bubble up from internal feelings that feel similar to ones we had at a more fearful moment in our lives. When these come up, it is important to acknowledge them and determine if our current fearful feelings makes sense in the current situation, or if we can toss them aside. On a grander scale, I guess I would choose ice cream down my shirt over a lot of other fears, but don't get any ideas.