Albert Einstein once said "Insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again, but expecting different results". It is well known that this theoretical physicist was a genius, and achieved things within his lifetime that forever revolutionized the way people looked at the world. However, when I hear that quote, I understand where it comes from, but would instead put forth a different theory. I believe that doing the same thing, over and over again, but expecting different results is human nature. It is also incredibly frustrating, and thus is can make you feel insane.
When we are dealing with a problem it is common to want to fix it. The problem may be your relationship with your partner, you interaction with your weight, your child's temper tantrums, or anything really. But most of us when dealing with the problem, tend to get on the same track of interaction over and over.
So let's experiment, shall we? This week I challenge you to do one thing different in your interaction, and just see what happens. It doesn't have to be a big thing, just something different than your normal quick response. If could be as small as a smile, go out and give it a tr.
When we are dealing with a problem it is common to want to fix it. The problem may be your relationship with your partner, you interaction with your weight, your child's temper tantrums, or anything really. But most of us when dealing with the problem, tend to get on the same track of interaction over and over.
So let's experiment, shall we? This week I challenge you to do one thing different in your interaction, and just see what happens. It doesn't have to be a big thing, just something different than your normal quick response. If could be as small as a smile, go out and give it a tr.